


Description: General information about Balancer Pools

idID!balancer ID
poolCountInt!how many pools
poolsPool!choose which pool
totalLiquidityBigDecimal!how much liquidity pool has
totalSwapCountBigInt!quantity of swaps
totalSwapVolumeBigDecimal!how much value has been swaped
totalSwapFeeBigDecimal!how much fees collected


Description: various information about balancer pools

idID!smart contract id of pool
addressBytes!address of user
poolTypeStringwhich type of balancer pool
factoryBytestime-based pause configuration
strategyTypeInt!strategy type (1 or 2)
oracleEnabledBoolean!check wether oracle is enabled
symbolStringpool token symbol
nameStringpool token name
swapEnabledBoolean!check wether oracle is enabled
swapFeeBigDecimal!pool swap fee
ownerBytespool owner address
totalWeightBigDecimaltotal weight
totalSwapVolumeBigDecimal!Total swap volume in USD
totalSwapFeeBigDecimal!total swap fee in USD
totalLiquidityBigDecimal!total liqidity in pool
totalSharesBigDecimal!total pool token shares
createTimeInt!block time pool was created
swapCountBigInt!pool swaps count
holdersCountBigInt!total number of LP in that pool
vaultIDBalancer!vault ID
txBytesPool creation transaction id
tokensList[Bytes!]!array of token address in pool
tokensPoolToken!tokens in pool
swapsSwap!swaps in pool
sharesPoolShare!shares in pool
snapshotsPoolSnapShot!snapshot of pool
historicalValuesPoolHistoricalLiquidity!pool historical values and liquidity
weightUpdates 1GradualWeightUpdate!weight update values
amp 2BigIntamplification paramenters
priceRateProviders 3PriceRateProviderprice rate providers
principalToken 4Bytesprincipal token
baseToken 4Bytesbase token
expiryTime 4BigIntpool expiry time
unitSeconds 4BigIntunit seconds
managementFee 5BigDecimalpool management fee
mainIndex 6Intpool main index
wrappedIndex 6Intpool wrapped index
lowerTarget 6BigDecimallower target
upperTarget 6BigDecimalupper target
sqrtAlpha 7BigDecimalsquare root of alpha
sqrtBeta 7BigDecimalsquare root of beta
root3Alpha 8BigDecimalcube root of alpha


Description: list of tokens wihtin balancer pools

idID!pool token ID
poolIdPoola unigue identifier for each pool
tokenToken!token id
assetManagerBytesmint / burn address
symbolString!pool token symbol
decimalsInt!the number of decimals for your token
addressString!pool token address
priceRateBigDecimal!conversion of token swapped
balanceBigDecimal!token balance of pool token
cashBalanceBigDecimal!cash balance of pool token
managedBalanceBigDecimal!managed balance
management[ManagementOperation!]management values
weight 9BigDecimalpercentage of token of weighted pool


Description: get the current exchange rates between the tokens in the pool.

idID!Id of contract
poolIDPool!a unigue identifier for each pool
tokenPoolToken!token of the pool
addressBytes!address of each token
rateBigDecimal!rate of quoted swap
lastCachedInt!timestamp of last quoted price
cachedDurationInt!how long estimate rate will last
cashExpiryInt!timestamp of price expiration


Description: information of shares users have

idID!pool share ID
userAddressUser!user wallet address
poolIdPool!a unigue identifier for each pool
balanceBigDecimal!balance of pool


Description: information of balancer users

idID!user ID
sharesOwnedPoolShare!how many shares user owns
swapsSwap!how many swaps user has made
userInternalBalancesUserInternalBalance!balance for user


Description: Similar to how the Vault keeps track of what tokens are in a pool, the Vault can also maintain balances for users or any other smart contract

idID!user internal balance ID
userAddressUserwallet address
tokenBytes!token checking balance on
balanceBigDecimal!balance of token


Description: information of when pools change token percentage

poolIdPool!a unigue identifier for each pool
scheduledTimestampInt!scheduled time LP token weight change
startTimestampBigInt!start time of update
endTimestampBigInt!end time of update
startWeightsBigInt!weight of tokens in each LP pair before update
endWeightsBigInt!weight of tokens in each LP pair ater update


Description: getting information on the amplification parameters

idID!amp update
poolIdPool!a unigue identifier for each pool
scheduledTimestampInt!scheduled time of amp update
startTimestampBigInt!Start time of update
endTimestampBigInt!end time of update
startAmpBigInt!amount of amp prior to update
endAmpBigInt!amount of amp after update


Description: information about users swaps

idID!swap-{ Transaction hash }-{ Log index }
callerBytes!pool controller
tokenInBytes!Token deposited into pool
tokenInSymString!symbol of token swapped in
tokenOutBytes!token withdrawn from pool
tokenOutSymString!symbol of token swapped out
tokenAmountInBigDecimal!total native token deposited
tokenAmountOutBigDecimal!total native token withdrawn
valueUSDBigDecimal!value in USD
poolIdPool!a unigue identifier for each pool
userAddressUser!user wallet address
timestampInt!timestamp of this even
txBytes!fee for swap


Description: info when user joins or exits pool

idID!ID of the pool you're interacting with
typeInvestType!JoinKind or ExitKind
senderBytes!address of sender
amounts[BigDecimal!]!amounts during entry and exit
poolPool!pool ID
userUser!Joins encodes JoinKind, Exits encode ExitKind
timestampInt!time stamp of join or exit
txBytes!fee paid


Description: check latest token price

assetBytes!token address
pricingAssetBytes!address of stable asset
poolIDPool!last pool which set price
priceBigDecimal!all the latest prices
blockBigInt!last block that prices were updated


Description: Historical liquidity of pools

poolIdPool!a unigue identifier for each pool
poolTotalSharesBigDecimal!total pool shares
poolLiquidityBigDecimal!total value, priced in the stable asset - ie USD
poolShareValueBigDecimal!total pool value
pricingAssetBytes!address of stable asset
blockBigInt!last block that prices were updated


Description: checking price of tokens

idID!address of token + address of stablecoin-poolId
poolIdPool!a unigue identifier for each pool
assetBytes!list of assets
amountBigDecimal!amount of token
pricingAssetBytes!address of stable asset
priceBigDecimal!price of token
blockBigInt!last block that prices were updated
timestampInt!time price is checked


typeOperationType!operation type
cashDeltaBigDecimal!change in cash since last cash delta point
manageDeltaBigDecimal!change in managed amount since last delta point
poolTokenIDPoolToken!a unigue identifier for each pool
timestampInt!timestamp operation occurs


Description: a "snapshot" of the Ethereum blockchain for each pool at a certain block number before voting opens.

idID!pool snapshot ID
poolPool!name of pools included
amounts[BigDecimal!]!amount of pools included
totalSharesBigDecimal!total shares of pool before vote
swapVolumeBigDecimal!total volume of pool before vote
swapFeesBigDecimal!swap fee of pool before vote
liquidityBigDecimal!total liquidity of pool before vote
timestampInt!time snapshot occurs


Description: information of tokens within balancer

idID!Smart contract address of the token
symbolStringsymbol of token
nameStringname of token
decimalsInt!the number of decimals for your token
addressString!token address
totalBalanceUSDBigDecimal!total balance of tokens across balancer
totalBalanceNotionalBigDecimal!total unrealized balance
totalVolumeUSDBigDecimal!total volume in fiat (usd)
totalVolumeNotionalBigDecimal!total unrealized volume
totalSwapCountBigInt!total swap count for token
latestPriceLatestPricelatest price of token, updated when pool liquidity changes
latestUSDPriceBigDecimal!latest price of token in USD, updated when pool liquidity changes
poolPoolpool entity associated with the token, if it is a Balancer pool


Description: a "snapshot" of the Ethereum blockchain for each token at a certain block number before voting opens.

idID!token address + dayId
tokenToken!which token or crypto
totalBalanceUSDBigDecimal!total balance of tokens across balancer
totalBalanceNotionalBigDecimal!underlying asset balance
totalVolumeUSDBigDecimal!amount of volume the token has moved on this day
totalVolumeNotionalBigDecimal!underyling asset volume
totalSwapCountBigInt!total swap count accross balancer


Description: information of trading pairs in balancer

idID!Token Address - Token Address
token0Token!Token 1 of trading pair
token1Token!Token 2 of trading part
totalSwapVolumeBigDecimal!Total swap volume of pair
totalSwapFeeBigDecimal!Total swap fees of pair


Description: a "snapshot" of the Ethereum blockchain of the trading pair at a certain block number before voting opens.

idID!user eth address
pairTradePair!trading pair used in vote
timestampInt!time snapshot took place
totalSwapVolumeBigDecimal!total volume at time of snapshot
totalSwapFeeBigDecimal!total swap fees at time of snapshot


Description: a "snapshot" of the Ethereum blockchain at a certain block number before voting opens.

idID!User eth address
vaultBalancer!which vault is associated to vote
timestampInt!time snapshot took place
poolCountInt!how many pools in vote
totalLiquidityBigDecimal!total liquidity of pools in vote
totalSwapCountBigInt!total swapcount of pools in vote
totalSwapVolumeBigDecimal!total swap volome of pools in vote
totalSwapFeeBigDecimal!total swap fees of pools in vote


  1. Liquiditybootstrappingpoolonly

  2. Stablepoolonly

  3. MetastablepoolandLinearPoolOnly

  4. ConvergentCurvePoolElementOnly 2 3 4

  5. InvestmentPoolOnly

  6. LinearPoolONly 2 3 4

  7. Gyro2PoolOnly 2

  8. Gyro3PoolOnly

  9. weightedpoolonly

© 2023 Balancer Labs