

Relayers are (user opt-in, audited) contracts that can make calls to the vault (with the transaction “sender” being any arbitrary address) and use the sender’s ERC20 vault allowance, internal balance or BPTs on their behalf.

const relayer = new relayerService(
    swapsService: SwapsService;
    rpcUrl: string;


Finds swaps for tokenIn>wrapped Aave static tokens and chains with unwrap to underlying stable. ExactIn - Exact amount of tokenIn to use in swap.

@param tokensIn - array to token addresses for swapping as tokens in. @param aaveStaticTokens - array contains the addresses of the Aave static tokens that tokenIn will be swapped to. These will be unwrapped. @param amountsIn - amounts to be swapped for each token in. @param rates - The rate used to convert wrappedToken to underlying. @param funds - Funding info for swap. Note - recipient should be relayer and sender should be caller. @param slippage - Slippage to be applied to swap section. i.e. 5%=50000000000000000. @param fetchPools - Set whether SOR will fetch updated pool info. @returns Transaction data with calldata. Outputs.amountsOut has final amounts out of unwrapped tokens.

async relayer.swapUnwrapAaveStaticExactIn(
    tokensIn: string[],
    aaveStaticTokens: string[],
    amountsIn: BigNumberish[],
    rates: BigNumberish[],
    funds: FundManagement,
    slippage: BigNumberish,
    fetchPools: FetchPoolsInput = {
        fetchPools: true,
        fetchOnChain: false
): Promise<TransactionData>


Finds swaps for tokenIn>wrapped Aave static tokens and chains with unwrap to underlying stable. ExactOut - Exact amount of tokens out are used for swaps.

@param tokensIn - array to token addresses for swapping as tokens in. @param aaveStaticTokens - array contains the addresses of the Aave static tokens that tokenIn will be swapped to. These will be unwrapped. @param amountsUnwrapped - amounts of unwrapped tokens out. @param rates - The rate used to convert wrappedToken to underlying. @param funds - Funding info for swap. Note - recipient should be relayer and sender should be caller. @param slippage - Slippage to be applied to swap section. i.e. 5%=50000000000000000. @param fetchPools - Set whether SOR will fetch updated pool info. @returns Transaction data with calldata. Outputs.amountsIn has the amounts of tokensIn.

async relayer.swapUnwrapAaveStaticExactOut(
    tokensIn: string[],
    aaveStaticTokens: string[],
    amountsUnwrapped: BigNumberish[],
    rates: BigNumberish[],
    funds: FundManagement,
    slippage: BigNumberish,
    fetchPools: FetchPoolsInput = {
        fetchPools: true,
        fetchOnChain: false
): Promise<TransactionData>


Chains poolExit with batchSwap to final tokens.

@param params: @param exiter - Address used to exit pool. @param swapRecipient - Address that receives final tokens. @param poolId - Id of pool being exited. @param exitTokens - Array containing addresses of tokens to receive after exiting pool. (must have the same length and order as the array returned by getPoolTokens.) @param userData - Encoded exitPool data. @param minExitAmountsOut - Minimum amounts of exitTokens to receive when exiting pool. @param finalTokensOut - Array containing the addresses of the final tokens out. @param slippage - Slippage to be applied to swap section. i.e. 5%=50000000000000000. @param fetchPools - Set whether SOR will fetch updated pool info. @returns Transaction data with calldata. Outputs.amountsOut has amounts of finalTokensOut returned.

async relayer.exitPoolAndBatchSwap(
    params: ExitAndBatchSwapInput {
        exiter: string;
        swapRecipient: string;
        poolId: string;
        exitTokens: string[];
        userData: string;
        minExitAmountsOut: string[];
        finalTokensOut: string[];
        slippage: string;
        fetchPools: FetchPoolsInput;
): Promise<TransactionData>

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